“Kalikhaan for Creation Celebration 2003,” Project of SanibLakas Foundation
This is a contribution to the efforts of the Creation Day/Time network in the Philippines, which includes, alphabetically, the Annunciation Orthodox Church; Asian Social Institute; Association of Major Religious Superiors of the Philippines - Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission; Center for Ecozoic Learning and Living; Creation Spirituality Center, Institute of Eco-Spirituality; Maryknoll Environmental Center-Baguio; Sanib-lakas ng Inang Kalikasan; and SanibLakas Foundation. This celebration is supported by the World Environment Day-Philippines Network and the Earth Day Network-Philippines.
Challenge to Co-Create Our Celebration of Creation Challenge to Co-Create Our Celebration of Creation
Here’s a cheerful challenge: Co-Create the Philippine Celebration of Creation through a Seven-Step plan. You can start on that right here, right now!
1. IF YOU AGREE THAT CREATION SHOULD BE CELEBRATED, ANSWER THIS QUESTION CLEARLY AND FIRMLY: HOW WILL YOU PERSONALLY PARTICIPATE IN THE CELEBRATION OF CREATION? Make it very clear in your mind why you freely and firmly decide to do this, by writing down your answer in two to three sentences. Write this paragraph in large letters on a whole sheet of paper to make a mini poster, sign below and put the date. Then fax this out to your friends and hang it where you can often look at it and others can also see it. Use your creativity on your mini-poster so others will be attracted to read it. Share this commitment and your determination with at least three people who close to you and who can reinforce your confidence in yourself. Explain it to other people who would see your poster and ask.
2. SHARE THE BASIC INFORMATION about Creation Celebration (at least the information that comes with this Challenge) with at least three people. Download and print out this page (or photocopy the hardcopy version this sheet) and give each of them a copy (you may also inform them of the webpage address that also carries this material) and ask them to pass on both the information and this challenge. By doing even just that, you are already a fullfledged participant of this fledgeling annual commemoration. Welcome home!
3. BEFORE AUGUST 15, REAFFIRM YOUR DECISION AND FINALIZE YOUR OWN CONCRETE PLANS FOR PARTICIPATION, make a new mini-poster to reflect the changes, fax and post this “new edition” of your commitment. (To make your plans realistic, avoid allowing their implementation to be totally dependent on the fulfillment of other people’s commitments.)
(10 am-2 pm, thru free lunch at Kamayan-EDSA) and present your second poster
there, join the focused group with people whose mini-poster commitments are most
similar to yours and be your naturally friendly and actively-creative self.
We are not able to predict results from this, so be prepared for
surprises. Be sure to get the contact numbers of the other group members. [if
you can’t come to that Kamayan forum session, be sure to send a representative
who has his/her own commitment mini-poster to bring, and this person will be
able to help you facilitate your own three-hour “Co-Creating Meeting” to be
held preferably within that same weekend. A meeting of this nature will be held at the
Asian Social Institute, Manila on
Sunday, August 17, at 2-5 p.m.]
CLOSE LINKS WITH YOUR GROUPMATES and with the Campaign Center (to be
announced during the Kamayan Forum), in order to partake of the growing
synergy or encouragement, information-sharing, actual coordination and mutual
ALL OR AT LEAST MOST OF YOUR PLANS, and document the actual conduct of
all your activities for subsequent assessment by your group and by the network.
There is no reason why you cannot implement at least the more important
components of your own plans, and remember that you are answerable mainly to
yourself for them. To overcome difficulties and the temptation to give up at
this crucial stage, remember the following: the Creation Celebration network is
giving the broad framework and the opportunities for you to co-create and
partake of the synergy for this celebration, but you are co-creating your own
participation, as well as this whole collective celebration, and you are
co-creating yourself.
7.REST AND REFLECT DEEPLY. Have enough rest to give yourself quality time for deep self-reflection: why was your personal participation GOOD in terms of its effects on you, on your groupmates and other people? What attitudes toward yourself, towards the environment, Life and the Creation process have been developed? What realizations and capability development were you able to attain in this process? What do you think of the Kaparaanang Kalikhaan, the process where we shall have joined together in co-creating a celebration of our being fellow-creatures? Would this process be useful and effective for addressing other human concerns?
“Kalikhaan 2003” for Creation Celebration is a project of the SanibLakas Foundation, as a contribution to the efforts of the Creation Day/Time network in the Philippines. All are challenged to join the yearly celebration. The following SanibLakas-convened and/or SanibLakas-led organizations are being mobilized for this celebration thru Kalikhaan 2003: SanibLakas ng Inang Kalikasan (SALIKA), co-convenor of the monthly Kamayan para sa Kalikasan forum; Love Life-Philippines; Lambat-Liwanag (academe-based network for empowering paradigms) Task Force for Deep Ecology and Harmony with Nature; LightShare email list group; Sanib-Sining campaign network for synaesthetics; and World Environment Day (WED) Network-Philippines;
For basic information about Creation Day/Time, click here.
To access an
environment-oriented website, please click this link: http://earth.web.ph
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