Poem/Prayer: 'EARTH SYNERGY 2000' 
 CHIN (in Burma)

English Original:

Giant Leap 
for Humankind'
 On Earth Day 2000, /
 nations of the world 
.....come together as one, /
 in body, mind and spirit, /
..... to stand in reverence
.....before the rest /
 of the bio-diverse citizens 
.....and elements / 
 of our living planet Gaia, /
 to take full responsibility / 
 for past and present 
 ....environmental destruction, /
 and to lovingly commit /
 a conscious synergy of efforts /
 to rescue and heal, 
.....conserve and exalt, /
 our Mother Earth. //

 This is a giant leap 
.....for Humankind /
 right back to the bosom 
.....of our home planet, /
 undoubtedly a euphoric 
.....historic event /
 that heralds a new way of life 
.....for all Earthlings, /
 as we enter the new millennium. //

 Amen.  ///

. The Poem/Prayer in Chin,
........................ a language in Burma, translated by 
.........................Run Pen Sakhong
.........................a homemaker visiting Uppsala, Sweden,
.........................last February 16, 2000

'A Ngan mi 
Minung Karhlan'.

.Kum 2000 Vuilei ni ah...
.Miphun vial te hung chuak cio uh!

.Pumsa, thlarau le lungthin dihlak in
.chuak cio uh law...
.Sermi thilnung vial te le,
.Van le Vuilei, Arfi le Thlapa hna hmai ah
.Upatnak he dir cio hna u sih!

.Thingkung le Ramsa,
.Tiva le Nelrawn;
.Fingtlang hna le Tupi zong,
.Hmawngthiam lo in him hna seh law:
.Chanza va nguh te lai hna.

.Dawtnak le Zawnruahnak he;
.Lungfim te in thazang chuah cio in:
.Kannunnak Leidai(Vuilei ) kanu te hi,
.Kilven le kham  kan rian asi
.Cawithir usih  Leidai kannunnak.

.Amen.  ///


Please send your comments on the poem and on its translation to infoshare@saniblakas.faithweb.com.

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