Poem/Prayer: 'EARTH SYNERGY 2000' 

English Original:


'A Giant Leap 
for Humankind'
 On Earth Day 2000, /
 nations of the world 
.....come together as one, /
 in body, mind and spirit, /
..... to stand in reverence
.....before the rest /
 of the bio-diverse citizens 
.....and elements / 
 of our living planet Gaia, /
 to take full responsibility / 
 for past and present 
 ....environmental destruction, /
 and to lovingly commit /
 a conscious synergy of efforts /
 to rescue and heal, 
.....conserve and exalt, /
 our Mother Earth. //

 This is a giant leap 
.....for Humankind /
 right back to the bosom 
.....of our home planet, /
 undoubtedly a euphoric 
.....historic event /
 that heralds a new way of life 
.....for all Earthlings, /
 as we enter the new millennium. //

 Amen.  ///

. The Poem/Prayer in Hebrew
.................... translated by  Saar Herman
.....................Philippine-based Israeli teacher 
.....................of  Flight of the Warrior school for meditation,
.....................Emovement, occult, and esoteric philosophy


Please send your comments on the poem and on its translation to infoshare@saniblakas.faithweb.com.

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