Poem/Prayer: 'EARTH SYNERGY 2000' 

English Original:

Giant Leap 
for Humankind'
 On Earth Day 2000, /
 nations of the world 
.....come together as one, /
 in body, mind and spirit, /
..... to stand in reverence
.....before the rest /
 of the bio-diverse citizens 
.....and elements / 
 of our living planet Gaia, /
 to take full responsibility / 
 for past and present 
 ....environmental destruction, /
 and to lovingly commit /
 a conscious synergy of efforts /
 to rescue and heal, 
.....conserve and exalt, /
 our Mother Earth. //

 This is a giant leap 
.....for Humankind /
 right back to the bosom 
.....of our home planet, /
 undoubtedly a euphoric 
.....historic event /
 that heralds a new way of life 
.....for all Earthlings, /
 as we enter the new millennium. //

 Amen.  ///

. The Poem/Prayer in Hindi
........................ translated by  Kunti Devi, MS RND
.........................Yoga guru, healer and psychic consultant 
........................with healing work based at Earthlite, the "wholistic place" 
........................-- of deep ecology, holistic health and spiritual growth, 
........................at the heart of Metro Manila, .Philippines.


'A Giant Leap
for Humankind'.
 Prithvi Divas 2000 ke
 Es Avsar Par 
 Dunla ke Saare  Rashta saath Ho Sai
 Apne Taan. Maan. Aur Aatma se.
 Dusaro ke Saamane samnaane se
 Bhin-Bhin Prakar ke Naagarik Aur Tatare
 Es dharti Par vinasha Hote Vatavarne ke
 Jimnnedari le.

 Apne Jagsukata sa Es
 Prathvi ko Bachaye. Aadar Aur sakathi de.
 Mana vata ke Es kadam ke.
 Ghoshana karete He.  Hamari Psathvi Par
 Hamari Prathvi vasiyo Ke Leye.
Nya Samachas He.  Es Naye Sacli me.

Amen.  ///


Please send your comments on the poem and on its translation to infoshare@saniblakas.faithweb.com.
We transcribed this translation from Prof. Al-Faruque's handwritten text and we have no immediate way to get in touch with him for checking our spellings, which has been difficult because we are not at all familiar with the language. We are taking steps to be able to check any errors here, and you might be in a position to help.

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