Webpage created by SanibLakas CyberServices to serve our 'CREATION CELEBRATION' in the Philippines

Creation Day - Creation Time


..Creation Day - Creation Time

Collection of Background Articles





By A Group of Proponents to Celebrate "Creation Day and Time 

of Creation" as part of the Liturgical Calendar in the Philippines

[ This was conveyed to members of the CBCP in June 24, 2003 in anticipation of the organization's  

annual assembly scheduled to be held  the following month.]

His Excellency

Most Rev. Archbishop Orlando B. Quevedo, OMl, D.D.

CBCP President

And all the Bishops assembled at the Bishops’ Conference July 2003


Msgr. Hernando M. Coronel

Secretary General

CBCP Secretariat

470 General Luna St.

lntramuros, 1002 Manila


24 June 2003

Re:            Celebrating God the Creator and God's Creation

                  "Creation Day" and "Time of Creation"

Your Excellencies,

This year we commemorate the 15th anniversary of the Pastoral Letter on Ecology

                        "What Is Happening To Our Beautiful Land?"

which the Catholic Bishops of the Philippines wrote in 1988.

We - a group of concerned Catholic communicators, educators, and priests - would like to take this occasion to draw Your attention to some developments taking place in the Christian world within these last fifteen years that would support the Bishops' urgent call of 1988 "to respond to the ecological crisis.”  In reference to Your suggestion as to

"b) What the Churches can do

... Our different liturgies must celebrate the beauty and pain of our world, our connectedness to the natural world and the on-going struggle for social justice. ...”

we would like to propose to the Bishops of the Philippines to accept the invitation of the Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios I of Constantinople, released on 1 September 1989, to “the entire Christian world to offer ... every year on this day prayers and supplications to the Maker of all, both as thanksgiving for the great gift of creation and as petitions for its protection and salvation."

For the last five years there have been strong ecumenical efforts in Europe to celebrate God the Creator and God's Creation during a "Creation Day" and a "Time of Creation." This has been an emerging and expanding fruit of the Second European Ecumenical Assembly in Graz, Austria in 1997, sponsored both by the Conference of European Churches (CEC) and the Council of European Bishops' Conferences (CCEE).

Here in the Philippines, we, the members of the above mentioned group together with the institutions we are associated with, have been celebrating God the Creator and God's Creation through various individual activities, and mostly within the time of the year that has evolved so far as a "Time of Creation," i.e. from 1 September (Orthodox Creation Day) to 4 October (St. Francis of Assisi) or the Sunday following it.

From our own experience and deliberations thus far, we strongly believe that the Catholic Church in the Philippines as a whole would be invigorated through a liturgical expression of Her "Celebrating God the Creator and God's Creation". This would also serve as a religious and spiritual motivating power to implement the urgent recommendations of the CBCP's Pastora1 Letter on Ecology "What Is Happening To Our Beautiful Land?" We believe that a creation spirituality is the heart for practicing an ecological ethics and forming a social conscience.

This is also an opportune year to address this issue in a more official and thus more effective way as it was 20 years ago, in 1983 in Vancouver, that the "Conciliar Process for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation" (JPIC) was set in motion by the World Council of Churches (WCC).

Considering the points mentioned above, we do request the Catholic Bishops of the Philippines to put "Celebrating God the Creator and God's Creation" - "Creation Day" and "Time of Creation" on the agenda for their meeting this coming July!

Attached find a “Brief Rationale” of our proposal and “Sample texts from www.ecen.org for “Creation Day” and “Time of Creation” for liturgies, prayer services, personal use …” Additional to that, we are more than willing to enter into a more extensive dialogue with the respective persons in charge for preparing the agenda for the July meeting! We will be able to do so by the beginning of June, after summer break!

Gratefully anticipating a favorable response to our petition and cordially wishing You the Peace and Joy of Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ,

I remain,

(Sgd.) Fr. Georg Ziselsberger, SVD

Professor - DLSU

 On behalf of:


Dr. Mina M. Ramirez           Sr. Anne Braudis, MM              Ms. Victoria C. Corral

       President               Maryknoll Ecological Sanctuary         Professor-UST           

Asian Social Institute                        Baguio City


Fr. John Leydon, MSSC      Fr. Raymond Bodson, CICM     Prof. Ed Aurelio Reyes

Malate Church / CELL*                CICM-JPIC                         Asian Social Institute


*CELL = Center for Ecozoic Living and Learning / Silang, Cavite


Attached find: 

1) Brief Rational (3 pp) (click to read)

2) Sample texts from www.ecen.org for Creation Day and Time of Creation for

     liturgies, prayer services, personal use (5 pp)  (click to read some of these)


Other background articles are listed, with links in the Creation Celebration 

     opening page. click here.

Other important materials can be downloaded from www.ecen.org .

For a proposed Seven-Step Plan to join the Creation Celebration, click here.  

To access an environment-oriented website, click this link: http://earth.web.ph .

For a proposed Seven-Step Plan to participate in Creation Celebration , click here.  

To access an environment-oriented website, please click this link: http://earth.web.ph .


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